
Showing posts from March, 2019

Gaia x GTFO = Discounted GPS!


Hot Town Hikes: Tom's Thumb

Each edition of Hot Town Hikes will highlight one of the great trails in the city that is a convenient location and distance to get in a quick workout or nature walk along your commute. A year or so ago one of Backpacker Magazine's local correspondents wrote about how Tom's Thumb is one of the best after work hikes in the valley.  It's not a very conveniently located hike so for that reason I don't think of it as a great after work hike for anyone who doesn't live in or commute past North Scottsdale.  But what it lacks in actual convenience it makes up for in its strategic advantage of being out of direct sunlight by evening.

Separation Anxiety: What to Do When You Must Travel Without Your Pet

Do you fret when you need to leave your pet overnight with someone else? We often talk about our pets having separation anxiety when it comes to us leaving them home alone, but when a furry companion is part of the family, it can be just as stressful for owners to travel without their pets. Here is sound advice for selecting someone to care for your pet responsibly and lovingly.  Selecting a Sitter There are numerous high-quality pet sitters and boarding services available these days, but securing the right person to tend to your beloved animal isn’t always easy. If you don’t have an appropriate friend or family member to leave your pet with, there are other good options. You can go through online services that connect you with people, and there are even pet sitters who have specialized credentials such as the training in companion animal first-aid. There are some people who think pet sitting is easy, but experienced sitters are worth securing and will often offer a writt

Gaia x GTFO = Discounted GPS!
