Winter Wanderland: Arizona Snowbowl

If you don't think of the words "Arizona" and "skiing" go in the same sentence in any scenario than a typo, you're probably not alone. But, for being a desert state, Arizona has pretty decent skiing (it's no Colorado, but far better than the West Virginia slopes I grew up with). Snowbowl in Flagstaff has the best combination of accessibility from Phoenix and good skiing. It is abour 2.5 hours from Phoenix and there are signs to follow through Flagstaff to ensure you follow the right turns. It is close enough that a day, or even afternoon, ski trip is not at all unreasonable. In fact, I recently took a day off, left my apartment around 9:00, stopped for an early lunch, and started skiing at around 12:30 at the discounted half-day rate. Afterward, I grabbed a quick bite to eat in Flag and made it back down to Phoenix in time to meet my friends for a late happy hour. Navigate here - 9300 N. Snowbowl Rd, Flagstaff AZ 86001 ...